Hacia una nueva noción de la universidad del siglo XXI


  • María Teresa Mendoza Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada (UNEFA), Venezuela
  • Rafael Perales Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada (UNEFA), Venezuela




University of the 21st Century, Transformation, Learning


The university is a social space where the human being finds opportunities to join a world of knowledge, culture, science and technology and allow him the scope of his intellectual, personal, social, emotional and spiritual development. The university campus has been formed as a cornucopia of knowledge that demands a permanent appreciation of its original functions (teaching, research and extension), located as a nucleus of academic actions that revitalize and configure the operational, social and cultural sense of the University through its results and products. However, the twentieth century brought with it innumerable challenges for these institutions, thus requiring their transformation, hence the reconstruction of their scope of action and conjugation, in the light of the collective metamorphosis that surrounds the daily life of their activities must be carried out, under learning in uncertainty, in search of a new ontoepistemology to face the new era. In that diversity and anchoring, the university and its people are submitted to the structural and functional revision of their core processes, to advance towards development spaces that require a constant examination of the praxis conformed by the mentioned university triad, if just, where the purposes, aims and educational activities are reversed, with the fundamental north of guaranteeing a training by competences that give real and pertinent coverage to the social needs, in response to the adaptive complexity of the current world. Thus, the purpose of this essay is the presentation of the most recent ideas of the transformation of the University of the XXI century, wielded by González Casanova (2001), de Sousa Santos (2007), and Tunnermann (2007) and the position of the researcher, to reinvent those spaces based on the personal journey that every human being gives to comprehensively acquire competences.

Author Biographies

María Teresa Mendoza, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada (UNEFA), Venezuela

Ejecutiva con amplia experiencia docente adquirida durante 21 años en el manejo y docencia de negocios internacionales y comercio exterior, en diferentes instituciones públicas como privadas. Abogado con Maestría en Administración Pública. Master en Administración Pública  y Especialista en   Administración de Aduanas e Impuestos y actualmente Doctorando en Innovación Educativa.  Labora en Universidad” Alejandro de Humboldt” y en el Colegio Universitario “Francisco de Miranda”. Con cursos y actualizaciones dentro de la Carrera; además de diferentes publicaciones en revistas arbitradas en el ámbito nacional.

Rafael Perales, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada (UNEFA), Venezuela

PhD en Gestión del Conocimiento (UPEL), Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación (UNESR), Magíster en Currículo (UBA), Profesor de Química y Ciencias Generales (UPEL), Vicerrector Fundacional UNES, Investigador, Coach Ontológico y Profesional Certificado, Biodescodificador, Consultor estratégico organizacional. Profesor Titular (J). 


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How to Cite

Mendoza, M. T. ., & Perales, R. . (2017). Hacia una nueva noción de la universidad del siglo XXI. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (36), 42–62. https://doi.org/10.56219/rgp.vi36.565



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