

university management, smart organizations, sustainable development, information and communication technologies, knowledge society


The essence of university management is to underpin and benefit the efficient development of academic and administrative processes, so in this research university management is investigated under the premise of intelligent organizations. The methodology used was a bibliographic design of documentary type, descriptive. It is concluded that the university educational institutions must take advantage of the knowledge, the potentialities, the technological tools and their human talent for the
organizational development. That is why all the individuals attached to the organization are important and must contribute their vision. This approach emphasizes learning to learn, encourages ongoing change and invites rethinking of organizational progress within the knowledge society.


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Author Biographies

Feliberto Martins Pestana, Universidad Simón Bolívar. Venezuela

Profesor de Matemática. (UPEL-IPC). Magister en Planificación Educativa (URU). Doctor en Ciencias de Educación (USM). Estudios Post Doctorales en Ciencias de la Educación (UBA).

Hugo Parada, Universidad Simón Bolívar. Venezuela

Profesor Especialidad Informática. (UPEL-IPC). Magister Ciencias de la Educación (USM). Universidad de Adscripción: Universidad “Simón Bolívar” (USB).

María Magnolia Claudeville, Universidad Simón Bolívar. Venezuela

Profesora de Castellano, Literatura y Latín (UPEL-IPC). Magister en Lectura y Escritura (UPEL-IPC). Diplomado en Gestión de la Empresa Ética y Socialmente Responsable (USB). Universidad de Adscripción: Universidad “Simón Bolívar” (USB).

María Elena Rivas, Universidad Simón Bolívar. Venezuela

Profesora de Informática. (UPEL-IPC). Magister en Ciencias de la Educación (USM). TSU en Informática (UPEL-IPMA). Universidad de Adscripción: Universidad “Simón Bolívar” (USB).


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How to Cite

Martins Pestana, F. ., Parada, H., Claudeville, M. M. ., & Rivas, M. E. (2024). UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT UNDER THE PRIZE OF INTELLIGENT ORGANIZATIONS. INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSTGRADO, 30(2), 77–94. Retrieved from


