INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSTGRADO <p><em><strong>Investigación y Postgrado</strong></em> is a Venezuelan journal, refereed (double-blind peer review), indexed, of continuous publication, whose issues are dated, for citations and references, according to their interval of appearance: twice a year: April and October. It is edited and financed by the Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Postgrado of the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador.</p> es-ES <p><em>Investigación y Postgrado</em> está bajo una <a href="">licencia internacional Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0</a> .</p> <p>La política de acceso abierto y de licencias con “algunos derechos reservados” no niega la propiedad intelectual ni los derechos de los autores respecto a sus artículos, al contrario, los respeta. Es por ello que:</p> <p>No se reservan los derechos de publicación de los artículos. Los autores podrán distribuir su artículo en cualquier otro medio, siempre y cuando sea sin fines de lucro. Debe informar al Editor de esta nueva publicación y debe dar el crédito a la revista <em>Investigación y Postgrado</em>.</p> (Yaritza Cova Jaime) (Ivette Marina Briceño Hernández) Wed, 24 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESSES IN TIMES OF COMPLEXITY. SUGGESTIONS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF MATTHEW LIPMAN <p>This research, as a result of a documentary review, analyzes the tangential aspects of the work of Matthew Lipman and his contributions to the teaching and learning processes in times of complexity. Hence, the author is assumed as a reference from which to generate spaces to teach and learn in a timely manner, privileging the development of critical thinking skills that contribute to the understanding of the abundant information that circulates within scientific-academic communities in an attempt to achieve in those who form critical-reflective and analytical attitudes that allow them to learn for themselves as a task equally shared by teaching. In conclusion, teaching and learning in complex time’s demands promoting the operationalization of higher order thinking skills in the educational setting that allow those who are trained to face manipulation, distinguis-hing between what is true and what is not.</p> Jesús Alfredo Morales-Carrero Copyright (c) 2024 Investigación y Postgrado Wed, 24 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 SEXUALITY AND HERMETICISM IN THE BILDUNGSROMAN. A SILENCED WORLD IN THE PEDAGOGICAL CONTEXT <p>The concept of Bildung, instituted in the German educational system in the 18th and 19th centuries, has been the subject of numerous studies aimed at validating its postulates to apply them to philosophy, literature and education. Within the framework of this paradigm, the objective of this review is to investigate training (Bildung) and Bildungsroman as supports for self-training. A monographic documentary investigation is presented where we reflect on that intimate world tha tries to be silenced and then consider the Bildungsroman as a space for personal creation and, consequently, move away from pedagogizing models. Some of the central contents are observed about the subjectivation of subjects beyond culture and social progress until they become builders of their existential reality, in addition to inquiring about the hermeticism on the topic of sexuality in these novels that detracts from its value to its aesthetic essentiality.</p> Oscar Mauricio Caballero-Vargas, Juan Diego Hernández-Albarracín Copyright (c) 2024 Investigación y Postgrado Wed, 03 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ADDRESSING POST-PANDEMIC SOCIO-EMOTIONAL COMPETENCES IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN COLOMBIA <p style="text-align: justify;">This research focused on a sistematic literature review to identify and analyze the main challenges and opportunities in addressing post-pandemic socio-emotional competencies in Colombian educational institutions, with the aim of contributing to the development of strategies for their strengthening. To get into this, secondary sources on the effects of the pandemic on education in Colombia were reviewed using search engines such as Google Scholar and databases such as Dialnet and SciElo. This research, with respect to the impact on the socio-emotional stability of the actors of the educational system in Colombia, teachers, students and the student community, did not yield the expected results. Therefore, it is necessary, taking into account the findings, to continue with the study in order to identify the effects that the pandemic had on the socio-emotional situation, from an educational and psychosocial perspective.</p> Eliana Verónica Cortés-Bocanegra Copyright (c) 2024 Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Wed, 24 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A DIDACTIC PROPOSAL TO TEACHING PUNCTUATION MARKS <p>Learning a written language consists of a long and interconnected process in which its is fundamental to master punctuation marks. Written expressions rely solely on these marks in order to represent the richness of nuances that are present in spoken language. This text proposes addressing the teaching of these graphic marks as a key mechanism for organizing and prioritizing ideas, in line with the new approach by the Royal Spanish Academy's 2010 spelling book. Activities should be carried out throughout formal education so students develop an understanding of how to punctuate properly, depending on the type of discourse, what they want to express, their personal style and other factors.</p> Soraya Ospina-Ugalde Copyright (c) 2024 Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Wed, 24 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 USE OF GAMIFICATION IN THE CLASSROOM: CONTRIBUTIONS TO PROMOTE TEACHER TRAINING QUALITY <p>The purpose was to explain the situation of gamification in pedagogical and didactic activities in the classroom to promote meaningful learning that improves the quality of school training, by proposing the promotion of school environments with the capacity to enhance meaningful learning in students; Likewise, the facilitation of knowledge, the development of investigative skills and abilities. This determined methodologically to carry out a bibliographic review and obtain knowledge that facilitated structuring an explanation about gamification in the classroom and pedagogical actions to support the teaching-learning process. It is concluded that gamification is an option that turns educational action into an innovative dynamic of the attractive, dynamic and interactive educational process; feasible to promote the educational process. In addition, it provides knowledge and practices that can contribute to creating foundations and experiences to improve the applicability of gamification in the classroom.</p> Alexander Capacho-Parra Copyright (c) 2024 Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Mon, 15 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000