Factors that intervene in teacher motivation in times of COVID-19
Motivation, Teacher, Work, PandemicAbstract
Motivation is the force that moves people to meet their goals for their own benefit, in this sense the work of the teacher as a counselor, needs a professional who strengthens and develops behaviors that allow him to improve his state of mind in the face of adversity. The purpose of this research was to describe the factors that intervene in the motivation of the teaching profession in times of pandemic. It was based on Maslow and McClelland's theory of needs, Herzberg's hygiene factors and Bronfenbrenner's Biological theory. The methodology used was the documentary design, which allowed knowing the various situations that affect the motivation of educators in the face of the pandemic. It was concluded that the application and monitoring of State policies through the Popular Ministry of Education and the implementation of motivational strategies in educational institutions are required.
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