
  • Ramón Calzadilla Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico de Miranda "J. M. Siso Martínez". Venezuela


attribute, subject, ethics, Be


The present philosophical essay aims to pose an ethical problem to reflect on the attributes of the Subject to the ethics of the Be, reconsidering that neither the psychological theories nor the philosophical positions have responded to what is the Being as a subject that is, not as Verb, but in his Do. To do this, elements of morality such as choosing (fundamental in the realization of Being), autonomy, will, conscience, free will, are managed, without aiming to delve into those elements; As well as the basic concepts of human realization: virtues and values. The brushstrokes that give rise to this theoretical reflection show that there is still a long way to go in the neurotic despair that is going through the man for trying to find himself, plus the rejection and denial of the other to invite him to participate in the commitment to live together and share the temporality And the situational in this tiny space that they call Earth.


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Author Biography

Ramón Calzadilla, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico de Miranda "J. M. Siso Martínez". Venezuela

Filósofo y Psicólogo (UCV). Maestría en Filosofía en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas y en Gerencia Educacional. Estudios doctorales. Profesor de pregrado y postgrado en las áreas de psicología, filosofía y metodología.


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How to Cite

Calzadilla, R. . (2015). FROM THE ATTRIBUTES OF THE "SUBJECT" TO THE ETHICS OF "BE". INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSTGRADO, 30(2), 95–114. Retrieved from


