

popular education, interculturality, pedagogical knowledge


Reflections here presented are a contribution to pedagogical practice from the teachers’ knowledge. Such contribution shows a first approach to the educational processes and the issues that are historically developing in the country, highlighting discourses and practices that come to structure a type of education. We therefore stand up for popular education from its political vision and the way in which its action develops, centered on principles that shape the other education. In this sense, popular education thinks of the human being: their knowledge, their feelings, their action, their being, full of meanings and senses, which recreate themselves from diversity and an interculturality that is typical of our context and that leads us to rethink the role of school, the teacher, the student, and of society itself.


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Author Biography

Stella Pino Salamanca, Universidad del Cauca

Profesora Titular Universidad del Cauca, adscrita al Departamento de Educación y Pedagogía. Directora del grupo de investigación de Educación Popular de la Universidad del Cauca. Magister en Educación. Doctoranda en Educación por la Universidad de San Buenaventura.


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How to Cite

Pino Salamanca, S. . (2017). POPULAR EDUCATION AND ITS PEDAGOGICAL PRINCIPLES: REFLECTIONS FOR A TRANSFORMATIVE PRACTICE OF EDUCATION. INVESTIGACIÓN Y POSTGRADO, 32(1), 89–102. Retrieved from https://mail.revistas.upel.edu.ve/index.php/investigacionypostgrado/article/view/3004


