evaluation of impact, social programs, breastfeeding, teenage mothersAbstract
This paper presents a synthesis of a research work developed from the application of Stufflebeam’s
evaluation model, aiming at evaluating the impact of the breastfeeding program offered to teenage mothers included in the Obra Social de la Madre y el Niño (OSMAN), located in Caracas. This study is framed within an ontological-epistemological approach of a qualitative nature and a field design of a descriptive and evaluative character. The selected sample consisted of twenty teenage mothers of the OSMAN. The information gathering techniques were the unstructured interview and field notes. Also, a questionnaire was administered to the mothers. The results of this study allowed us to determine the positive impact of the breastfeeding social program in teenage mothers. Among the recommendations, it is suggested not to adopt an only model or approach for the evaluation of impact.
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