The Emotional intelligence as a teaching strategy for healthy school coexistence in primary education




Emotional intelligence, School coexistence, School violence


The subject of emotional intelligence has become a center of interest in the educational field due to the multiple benefits that are reported by the specialist literature on this subject. In this article, the author intends to reflect on theoretical elements that support emotional intelligence as a strategy for healthy coexistence in primary education. It was documentary-type research, with a qualitative approach. Based on the approaches analyzed, the relevance of applying pedagogical actions to develop and stimulate the proper management of their emotions in students is evident, that is, educating them in emotional intelligence. Among the final considerations, it stands out that students require the development of other types of skills, such as the intelligent management of their emotions to have a better school performance, improve attitudinal problems of aggression, be assertive and strengthen healthy school and social coexistence.

Author Biography

José Gutiérrez, Institución Educativa Isla Grande em Bolívar, Manague-Colombia

Lawyer graduated from the Universidad del Atlántico, Specialist in Teaching from the Corporación Universitaria Del Caribe and Doctorate in Education from the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador de Caracas. He has 16 years of experience in the area of education, working in the public sector, as a teacher in the area of Economics and Politics for 7 years in the Educational Institution liceo Joaquín Fernando Vélez, later as a manager; 3 years as Coordinator of the Education Department; 3 years as Coordinator of the Education Department; 3 years as Coordinator of the Education Department; 3 years as Coordinator of the Education Department. I have also worked for 3 years as Academic Coordinator at the Santa Bárbara Educational Institution and 6 years as Rector; currently I work at the Isla Grande Educational Institution, municipality of Magangué, department of Bolívar.


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How to Cite

José Gutiérrez. (2023). The Emotional intelligence as a teaching strategy for healthy school coexistence in primary education. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (45), 254–272.



Review Articles