Role of the teacher in the area of orientation training and coexistence of general secondary education




Role, Teacher, Orientation, Coexistence, Education


Education is considered an indispensable process in order to form citizens who are able to live together in society. This is oriented towards the integral development of the human being, therefore, the link between education and guidance is important, both must work hand in hand, to be agents of change, in order to apply the principles of guidance from prevention and development. The aim of this research was to study the role of the teacher in the area of orientation and coexistence training in general secondary education. It was based on a documentary design, starting from theoretical postulates that give rise to a subsequent process of reflection, analysis and interpretation of the information. As a result, it was found that teachers should exercise their role as counsellors, but lack the training and information to do so and cannot efficiently manage the area of guidance and coexistence training, so there is no articulation in this regard. The conclusion is that teachers in their role as counsellors can provide pedagogical support and respond appropriately to the needs of students at this level, as long as they are prepared to carry out this role.

Author Biography

Johanna Medina, Unidad Educativa Nacional Leopoldo Aguerrevere, Caracas-Venezuela

Teacher in Commercial Education at the Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Diploma in Research Methodology. UPEL-IPC. Currently completing postgraduate studies in the Master's Degree in Education with a specialisation in Guidance. She worked as a teacher in the area of Commerce, Technical Drawing and Plastic Arts at U.E.N "Leopoldo Aguerrevere. Teacher of Commerce at U.E.H. "Maestro Félix Adam" and at Colegio Don Bosco de Altamira. She was Director at U.E.P "Símbolos Patrios" and Coordinator at U.E.P "Símbolos Patrios". She currently works as a teacher in the area of language and communication at the Adult Education Centre "Edoardo Crema". Venezuela


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How to Cite

Johanna Medina. (2022). Role of the teacher in the area of orientation training and coexistence of general secondary education. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (44), 163–178.



Review Articles