Intelligent Learning Communities and pedagogical coaching


  • María Teresa Mendoza Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada (UNEFA), Venezuela



Intelligent Learning Communities, Pedagogical Accompaniment, Discipline


This  article  aims  to  reflect  on  the  formation  of  Intelligent   Learning Communities, using Pedagogical Accompaniment as an effective and innovative discipline in the way of learning-to-learn at university level, starting from the vision of Echeverría's Ontology of Language (2005), also supporting the dialogical learning of Freire (1997), as well as Senge's Fifth Discipline (2006). This involves the recognition and development of personal skills, the appropriation of values, the formation of self-concept, the acquisition and proper application of new learning, the recognition, establishment and realization of dreams, ideals and goals, as well as construction of new knowledge, starting from one's own, addressing one of the fundamental issues such as innovation and creativity in the learning process at university level, which would transform universities into Intelligent Learning Communities, because the teaching practice each it demands more, because it is not enough to teach, to transmit knowledge, the result must be students capable of learning for themselves, and the teacher to reinvent himself to be more than a mere transmitter of information.

Author Biography

María Teresa Mendoza, Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica de la Fuerza Armada (UNEFA), Venezuela

Ejecutiva con amplia experiencia docente adquirida durante 21 en el manejo y docencia de negocios internacionales y comercio exterior, en diferentes instituciones públicas como privadas. Abogado con Maestría en Administración Pública. Master en Administración Pública  y Especialista en   Administración de Aduanas e Impuestos y actualmente Doctorante en Innovación Educativa.  Labora en Universidad” Alejandro de Humboldt” y en el Colegio Universitario “Francisco de Miranda”. Con cursos y actualizaciones dentro de la Carrera; además de diferentes publicaciones en revistas arbitradas en el ámbito nacional.


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How to Cite

Mendoza, M. T. (2015). Intelligent Learning Communities and pedagogical coaching. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (34), 18–32.



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