Representation of "the mistress", in De amantes (Of lovers) by Elena Vera


  • Francia Andrade Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB)


lover, the mistress, object of desire, Venezuelan literature, feminine stereotypes


This study aims at explaining how the figure of "the mistress", as classically depicted in novels and other cultural products, is discursively deconstructed by the Venezuelan writer Elena Vera in her work De amantes (Of lovers), an anthology where a new woman is portrayed; one who moves away from the villain stereotype, as well as from that of the victim of love. Six poems, which give an account of each of the aspects studied such as: non-victimization, otherness, irony, as well as the structure of the work, were taken from this work.  In this research we conclude that Elena Vera is one of the poets inscribed in the tradition of literature made by women in 20th century Venezuela, which presents audacity in its themes, firmness in its positions, and a clean and plain writing, which is still, nonetheless very profound.


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Author Biography

Francia Andrade , Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB)

Profesora de Lengua, mención Literatura y Magister Scientiarum en Literatura Latinoamericana egresada del Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Actualmente, docente agregada de la Universidad Simón Bolívar. Investigadora, escritora y poeta.


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Hidalgo, V. (2014) Coreografía amorosa en la poesía escrita por mujeres una aproximación a la obra de cuatro autoras venezolanas. Letras, Caracas, v.56, n.91, p.94-116, dic. Disponible en: Consultado el 20 febrero 2020.

Torres, A. (2008) La Genealogía Femenina de la literatura venezolana. Discurso de Orden del Día del Idioma. Academia Venezolana de la Lengua. En: Boletín de la AVL, No. 201. Caracas. Disponible en: Consultado el: 8-03-2020.

Vera, E. (1984) De amantes. Caracas: Caracas.



How to Cite

Andrade , F. . (2020). Representation of "the mistress", in De amantes (Of lovers) by Elena Vera. LETRAS, 60(96), 155–166. Retrieved from


