Mixology: a lexical-semiotic journey of cocktails
mixology, lexico-semiotic, lexicography, word inventoryAbstract
The lexicon of a group of speakers serves as a fundamental tool for communication, fostering both personal and professional relationships. This dynamic process involves the use of lexical items to represent various aspects of daily life. These perspectives form the foundation of the research study titled Mixology: A Lexical-Semiotic Journey of Cocktails. This exploratory-descriptive research aims to analyze the lexical units employed in the field of mixology within the context of bars and restaurants, resulting in the creation of an inventory of terms used by experts in this domain. The study was conducted via an online survey, which was divided into two sections. The first section gathered demographic data, while the second section focused on lexical data, featuring three open-ended questions. The survey participants, a total of 19 individuals, represented ten different countries. The analysis methods applied included semiotic presuppositions, semic analysis, lexicographic repertoire structuring, and contrastive analysis from a lexicographical standpoint. The findings revealed that the lexical items describing and outlining mixological tasks and procedures could be grouped into three key areas: discipline, art, and method. This classification suggests that mixology, based on the lexical units used, is perceived as a scientific field characterized by precision and rigor. This is further evidenced by the creation of a structured inventory of terms under lexicographic and semiotic principles.
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