A tool to report classroom research from multivariate analyzes


  • Gerardo R Lara Morel UEN Luis Eduardo Egui Arocha. San Antonio de los Altos. Venezuela




Multivariate analysis, Principal components, Factors, Normal distribution, Significance


The article that is presented offers a guideline to approach teaching research in the classroom as a natural process and focused on generating conclusions that later may or may not continue to be ratified. The teacher can apply it when he approaches his study based on the action research methodology where a large number of variables will be obtained. For this reason, the multivariate analysis is proposed for its management, with the support of the SPSS 25 statistical program as a tool to obtain main components, factors or clusters that explain the dependent variable. The information presented in this writing does not pretend to be a manual, it is a proposal for teachers who want to start in this field to have a resource at their disposal to support their research in the classroom.

Author Biography

Gerardo R Lara Morel, UEN Luis Eduardo Egui Arocha. San Antonio de los Altos. Venezuela

Catedrático de Matemáticas. UPEL. IPC. Ampliación de Post Grado en Estadística UCV. Maestría en Educación. Mención Enseñanza de la Física. UPEL-IPC. Diplomado en Competencias Universitarias (UCAB). Trabajo como profesor de Estadística en la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello y en la UPEL-IPC. Jubilado de la UE N Luis Eduardo Egui Archa. Asesor en Proyectos de Grado en el área de estadística en Santiago de Chile. Publicaciones en revistas a nivel nacional.


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How to Cite

Lara Morel, G. R. (2020). A tool to report classroom research from multivariate analyzes. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (39), 20–48. https://doi.org/10.56219/rgp.vi39.804



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