The construction of the argumentary text: the case of the school essay



Textual typology, Argumentation, Superstructure, sScholar essay and criterion


This workmarks the principal characteristics and qualities that difference the essay like discursive typology; the explication and structure of each one of the parts of this with the finality to realize a scholar essay to its learning in General Media Education; In this, marks some observations about the competence of the shape and content of the text, and finish with a basic esquem model for the elaboration of scholars essays that could to serve of help for its construction.

Author Biography

Ríchard José Sosa Villegas, Unidad Educativa “Josefa Irausquín López” (San Luís- Baruta). Venezuela

Professor graduated from the Pedagogical Institute of Caracas, specializing in Spanish, Literature and Latin. He currently occupies the General Secondary Education Subdirectorate of the “Almirante Lino de Clemente” Nautical Institute, where he also works in the area of ​​his specialty. In addition, he has developed as a tutor for at least seventeen research projects with students of the level in which he works. He has designed and applied learning projects, taught workshops in the area of ​​writing and spelling. Likewise, she has been working as a classroom teacher since 2017, at the U.E.N "Josefa Irausquín López", attached to the Ministry of Popular Power for Education. Currently, he is pursuing a Master's Degree in Reading and Writing at his Alma Mater.


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How to Cite

Sosa Villegas, R. J. . (2015). The construction of the argumentary text: the case of the school essay . GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (34), 67–80. Retrieved from



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