Classics of literature in english: A proposal to reformulate the Seminar on Classics course of the teaching of literature in English Master program from the Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas



curriculum reform, teaching of literature in English, Discourse Studies


On account of the curriculum reform of graduate programs which is currently taking place at Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL), the main purpose of this paper is to propose the reformulation of the Seminar on Classics course of the Master in the Teaching of Literature in English of Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas (IPC). This proposal is based on the principles of Discourse Studies with an emphasis on the following aspects: (i) authors and literary works; (ii) historical contexts of production and reception; (iii) the intended, the ideal and the actual reader and (iv) stylistic, pragmatic, aesthetic and rhetorical aspects of the text. Our intent is to give the course a turn which would allow participants to establish dialogic connections between the past and the present in the delimitation of what are considered classic works of literature in English. By the same token, we hope to stimulate the discussion and reinterpretation of the term ‘classics’ in light of the review of cultural and social factors that have led to institute certain works as classical or canonical within the boundaries of the English speaking world. All this with the aim of setting the foundations which would let the teachers of the course make an informed and reflexive selection of the texts to be studied in the course.


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Author Biography

Adriana C. González L., Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas

Doctora en Pedagogía del Discurso en UPEL-IPC. Magíster en Educación, Mención Enseñanza de la Literatura en Inglés en UPEL- IPC. Profesora de Inglés en UPEL- IPC. Profesora en la categoría Agregado de la UPEL-IPC.


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How to Cite

González L., A. C. . (2019). Classics of literature in english: A proposal to reformulate the Seminar on Classics course of the teaching of literature in English Master program from the Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. LETRAS, 59(95), 67–98. Retrieved from


