The lexical availability of emotions in the classroom context: a pilot study
lexicon, lexicon of emotions, lexical availability, focus of interestAbstract
This research presents a pilot study that researches the lexicon of emotions in the classroom context from the methodology of lexical availability. The premise of this study is based on the approach of the lexicon as both a constructor and a reflection of realities. Therefore, emotions can be evidenced through lexical units. In order to support this premise, theoretical and methodological proposals on lexicon, emotions, lexical availability, lexicology and semantics have been consulted. The technique used was the survey and the lexical availability test with centers of interest constructed from the most frequent emotions and applied to students of the faculties of Education and Humanities and Art of the Universidad de Concepción, Chile. The results obtained have indicated that the centers of interest Love, Anger and Joy have been the most productive in terms of the number of lexies used. Likewise, it has led to the classification of lexies into descriptive, expressive and figurative. The conclusions reveal that, lexicon is, indeed, the vehicle for transmitting emotions and the proposed methodology is effective in order to recover the lexicon of emotions.
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