About the Journal


    LETRAS magazine is a university scientific publication that disseminates the results of the work of national and foreign researchers in the various areas of linguistic and literary knowledge, with an emphasis on educational issues. In 1958 its first number was published under the name of the Bulletin of the Department of Spanish, Literature and Latin, and from number 23, it began to be called LETRAS.

    LETRAS has as fundamental objectives:

    Contribute to the construction of scientific knowledge in the areas of linguistics and literary criticism.
    Collaborate with the improvement of the quality of education in the field of language and literature.
    Study the linguistic and literary identity of the Venezuelan and Latin American.
    Promote the construction of the cultural identity of the Venezuelan, through educational research in our areas of action.
    REFEREE: three judges, who do not know that they are refereeing the same work, evaluate an article whose author is not identified. The author, in turn, does not know who judges his research.
    Edited and financed by the Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University and the Venezuelan Institute of Linguistic and Literary Research "Andrés Bello"
    Legal deposit: pp. 195202DF47
    Printed ISSN: 0459-1283
    Online ISSN: 2791-1179
    Edition: two issues per year.
    It is published in Spanish with abstracts of the articles in English, French, Portuguese and Italian.
    Scientific articles are mainly received for publication. In addition to reviews, chronicles and interviews.
    Exchange: It will be established with similar publications or with university, cultural institutions and linguistic, literary and pedagogical research centers.
    LETRAS is not necessarily responsible for the judgments and criteria expressed by the collaborators.
    LETRAS is an Open Access journal and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International license.
    There is no charge for editorial management or publication.


    BIBLAT - Latin American Bibliography
    Class - Latin American Citations in Social Sciences and Humanities
    ERIC - Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics
    Dialnet - Dialnet Foundation of the University of La Rioja
    IRESIE - Index of Journals of Higher Education and Educational Research
    Latindex -Directory
    LLBA - Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts
    MIAR - Matrix of Information for the Analysis of Journals
    Revencyt - Registry of Venezuelan Scientific and Technological Publications
    SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online
    REBIUN -Network of University Libraries
    MLA - Modern Language Association Database
    Academic Source Plus
    EBSCO Information Services
    OJS- Open Journal Systems Historical
    Fonacit - Registry of Scientific and Technological Publications of FONACIT (1999000210)
    Correspondence: Venezuelan Institute of Linguistic and Literary Research “Andrés Bello” (IVILLAB). Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University – Pedagogical Institute of Caracas. Historical Building, Floor 1, Av. Páez, Urbanization El Paraíso, Telephone 0058-212-451.18.01. Caracas Venezuela.
    Emails: letras.ivillab@gmail.com - jfiguera.ipc@upel.edu.ve


    Letras magazine develops various processes aimed at guaranteeing the permanent accessibility of the digital objects that are hosted on the server of the Libertador Experimental Pedagogical University.

    PKP Preservation Network (PN) provides free preservation services for any OJS journal that meets basic standards. The PKP PN module for OJS 3 is currently under development and will be available in the module gallery soon.
    Letras enables LOCKSS to store and distribute journal content in collaborating libraries through a LOCKSS Editorial Manifesto page.
    Allow CLOCKSS to store and distribute journal content to participating libraries via the CLOCKSS Publisher Manifest page.
    All the publications of the Journal incorporate interoperability protocols (OAI-PMH) that allow their contents to be collected by other distribution systems, such as digital repositories and harvesters.
    Digital preservation metadata.
    Use of DOI.

    All the volumes of our Letras magazine (since the first issue of 1958) are digitized. You can consult and download them:

    ✓ From the Historical in version 2.0 of OJS, from number 1 http://revistas.historico.upel.edu.ve/index.php/letras

    ✓ On the new page 3.0 in OJS, numbers 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100 and 101 https://revistas.upel.edu.ve/index.php/letras

    ✓ In Dialnet, from number 36 https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista?codigo=1705

    ✓ In Blogger, from number 1 https://revistaletrasivillabupel.blogspot.com/.../todos...

    ✓ In Latindex, you can access our information and pages https://latindex.org/latindex/ficha/9836


    Letras journal ensures that editors, reviewers, and authors rigorously follow international ethical standards during the review and publication process of manuscripts. In addition, the authors are required to send a letter to request that it be submitted to arbitration and study the possibility of including it in the journal. It is understood that the author submits to these editorial standards. In the letter, they commit to:

    Put on record that this material is not being submitted to arbitration by any other journal or to any other publication process, for which I attest to its unpublished nature. In the event that the opposite is proven, or that I decide to withdraw the work from the publication, I promise to comply with the editorial standards of the journal and if there are versions in Spanish or other languages, they must be delivered to verify their validity. unprecedented character. See the following model. Any work that does not conform to these recommendations and that malpractice is proven will be eliminated, depending on the state of the manuscript at the time of detecting ethical misconduct.


    For the benefit of intellectual production and the rights of authors, over their works. The editorial team and peer reviewers at Letras magazine ensure that each article goes through a rigorous double-blind review process. In which main attention is paid to the detection of plagiarism, using the expertise of the evaluators and the alternatives of online programs that can analyze and detect total or partial similarities between different works. Once any irregularity is detected, the referees are obliged to inform the editorial team and the article is immediately excluded, in addition, a consolidated report is prepared with the reasons for the rejection of the work and it is sent to the author.

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