Positivism and the usefulness of mathematics in knowledge in the social sciences





Positivism, Mathematics, Theory, Philosophy, Subject, Object, Method


The social sciences are complex because they work with the sensibility of man, gathering elements that seem not to be proven, requiring to set guidelines in the relations between researcher and object. Thus, positivism represents the most scientifically accepted ideology, because through the use of mathematics adapted to each discipline objective results are generated. In this regard, it is established as a purpose to reflect through the analysis of texts on the presence of positivism in the social sciences and the usefulness of mathematics as a basis of truth in knowledge, especially those of an educational nature. Theoretically, several authors were worked on, such as: Bunge, D’Amore, Vergara, among others. Methodologically, the type of research was documentary, reviewing 15 studies, considering a bibliographic design that allowed to obtain relevant data. As a general result it was obtained that mathematics represents a creation of the human being, hence its usefulness for the construction of scientific knowledge.

Author Biography

Alcides Segundo Páez Soto, Universidad Popular del Cesar (UPC) Valledupar – Colombia

Specialist in Educational Informatics Management, Universidad del Santander UDES 2012. Master in Educational Technology Management, Universidad del Santander UDES 2017. Mathematics teacher at Santa Fe School, Valledupar 1997-2005. Mathematics teacher at the Leónidas Acula Educational Institution in Valledupar from 2006 to the present. Teacher Tutor of the Todos a Aprender Programme of the Colombian Ministry of National Education from 2012 to 2017. Teacher of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the Universidad Popular del Cesar, from 1998 to the present. Participation as a speaker at national and international events. He belongs to the Interdisciplinary Group Study of Numerical Thinking, Public Policies of Science and Technology, Agricultural Production, Environment, and Problems of Latin American and Caribbean Education: Valledupar, Cesar, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Alcides Segundo Páez Soto. (2022). Positivism and the usefulness of mathematics in knowledge in the social sciences. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (43), 266–282. https://doi.org/10.56219/rgp.vi43.963



Review Articles