Individual, society and education
A repeated concern for teachers at any time is related to finding the key to integrate educational action with the evolving needs of the individual learner and prepare him for the society in which he will have to function.
Teacher educators are currently obliged to reflect on our contribution from the area or discipline whose learning we facilitate in students, in the formation of cognitive processes, skills and competencies, which beyond the domain of data, facts and information, prepare them to act critically and responsibly in this global society of digital technological revolution, with a large volume of information, accelerated changes in knowledge, rapid speed of exchange, in a context of violence, authoritarian movements, xenophobia, multicultural, religious, gender movements and natural catastrophes due to the same predatory action of humanity, with high demands on individuals to participate
Arévalo, E. (1987) La razón cartesiana en el contexto de la sociedad moderna. Caracas: Inédito.
Goldmann, L. (1974) Introducción a la filosofía de Kant. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu.
Horkheimer, M. (1967) Crítica a la razón instrumental. España: Trotta Editorial.
Mayz Vallenilla, E. (1957) Examen de nuestra conciencia cultural. Instituto de Filosofía U.C.V.
Sartre, J.P. (1963) Crítica de la razón. Buenos Aires: Editorial Losada. S.A.