
  • GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Venezuela



Gaceta de Pedagogía is a space dedicated to new and established researchers who wish to strengthen their capacities in the scientific field of education. We are pleased to present to you Issue 50 Year 2024, in its second publication, with 13 contributions. These manuscripts are original research studies and systematic reviews, including meta-analysis.

Among the topics addressed, we find the use of ICTs as tools to strengthen teaching and learning, to increase opportunities and access to knowledge, and to develop skills. Such is the case of Jill Escandón Martínez investigating the Integration of ICT in the teaching of Natural Sciences, while Numidia Arellano Batista proposes the methodological strategy Webquest for the teaching and learning process of multiplication.

Another important focus in these articles is management in education, organised under the criteria of institutional and pedagogical concreteness, when Maribel Cecilia Mendoza Vásquez compares the organisational climate in official educational institutions, and authors Deinny Puche-Villalobos and Savier Acosta Faneite analyse the skills of the educational manager and teacher performance...




How to Cite

GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA. (2024). GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA Journal. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (50), 16–17. Retrieved from