Man in the face of technology and science: a garciabaccian understanding from the perspective of ratiovitalism



Technique, Science, Transfinitude, Transubstantiation, Ratiovitalism


This essay presents some ideas of Juan David García Bacca (JDGB) on anthropological concepts of his philosophy, referring to transfinitude and transubstantiation, which allow us to understand the dynamism of man today in the face of technology and science, in correspondence with vital reason, surpassing pure reason. JDGB historically contextualizes the existential conflict of man seeking to highlight the dialectic between his being and his entity, the finite and the infinite, the natural and the artificial, as part of his anthropological reality. It ends up showing a morality that is incarnated in man through his decision-making capacity over the enjoyment of technology and science, modern capitals not only of the transformation of the world but also of its transubstantiation, breaking all barriers in favor of his stubborn idea of ​​being God, lord and master of artificial nature in his image and likeness, including himself.

Author Biography

Julia Luisa Flores Espejo, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Venezuela

Bachelor of Science (North Carolina State University, USA). Professor of Chemistry and General Sciences, Master in Chemistry Teaching (Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas, UPEL-IPC). PhD in Science Education (University of Burgos, Spain). Post-doctorate in Education, Society and Environment and Post-doctorate in Curriculum (UPEL). Professor of Biochemistry (UPEL-IPC). National Coordinator of the Research Program. Member of the Central Curriculum Commission. Author of school texts and scientific articles. Participant in national and international events. Research on meaningful learning of science, chemical analysis and epistemology in science teacher training.


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How to Cite

Julia Luisa Flores Espejo. (2024). Man in the face of technology and science: a garciabaccian understanding from the perspective of ratiovitalism. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (50), 228–243. Retrieved from