Diagnosis of reading comprehension in basic education students of the 21st century



Reading comprehension, Quantitative approach, Diagnostic test, Linguistic skills


 This quantitative method-logy study evaluated the reading comprehension of 24 fifth-grade students from the Eduardo Santos Educational Institution in Neiva, from a socioconstructivist perspective influenced by Vygotsky. Using a diagnostic test from the Colombian Ministry of Education as an instrument for collecting information, notable deficiencies in linguistic skills were identified, which include the identification of explicit and implicit information in texts, in addition to the understanding of inferential reading, data analyzed with SPSS software. These results demonstrate the urgent need to implement effective pedagogical strategies to improve the interpretation of texts both in the institution and in the educational system as a whole. At the national and international level, the relevance of this competition for the academic success and preparation of students in the 21st century is highlighted. Continuous teacher training and collaboration between stakeholders play a fundamental role in addressing these gaps and promoting educational quality.

Author Biography

Sandra Bello Ramírez, Institución Educativa Eduardo Santos, Neiva - Colombia

Bachelor in Linguistics and Literature-Universidad Francisco José de Caldas, Specialist in Communication and Creativity for Teaching-Universidad Surcolombiana; Master in Educational Psychology- Universidad Abierta y a Distancia de Panamá UNIEDPA. She has worked as a teacher for 23 years, both in the private and public sector in secondary education.


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How to Cite

Sandra Bello Ramírez. (2024). Diagnosis of reading comprehension in basic education students of the 21st century. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (50), 73–85. Retrieved from https://mail.revistas.upel.edu.ve/index.php/gaceta/article/view/2844