Social networks usage in the strengthening of reading competences





The inclusion of ICT in education is considered  a skill that strengthens the development of reading skills, but some institutions do not consider the management of social networks relevant as a learning strategy. This article aims to determine the importance of managing a Didactic Sequence (SD) using the social network Ed mode. At the methodological level, a descriptive study with a mixed approach was used, applying the survey to students and teachers to know habits of ICT use, as a result, some findings were found that were categorized based on the exercises applied, making known the importance of using social networks as a learning medium to improve reading skills. To conclude, it was determined that the use of social networks and web 2.0 tools are a fundamental axis for the development of collaborative work, linking digital tools.

Author Biographies

Angela Consuelo Rodríguez Gaitán, Secretaria de Educación de Boyacá – Colombia

Master's Degree in ICT-mediated Educational Projects - Universidad de la Sabana. Specialisation in Project Management. Degree in Computer Science. Professional Technician in Systems Analysis and Design. Designer of learning experiences mediated by Information and Communication Technologies -ICT- Leading research projects with a trajectory of 15 years. Speaker and columnist at national and international level.

Aída Yamile Pachón Fernández, Secretaria de Educación de Bolívar – Colombia

Master in Information Technology Management (IT). Graduate of the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD). Academic work experience of 16 years in the private and public education sector. She has participated in national and international events as a speaker. Doctorate in Education from the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental (UPEL) and POLINORTE.


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How to Cite

Angela Consuelo Rodríguez Gaitán, & Aída Yamile Pachón Fernández. (2024). Social networks usage in the strengthening of reading competences. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (48), 121–137.


