Metacognitive skills: self-management of learning in the transition process towards a university career




initial journey, metacognitive skills, university education, self-management of learning


Metacognitive skills allow you to reflect and direct your thinking, including becoming aware of the actions that favor the success of an activity or improving the learning process. The objective of the study was to identify them from the perspective of self-management of learning expressed by students of the initial journey of the health area of the Territorial Polytechnic University of the State of Mérida “Kléber Ramírez”, during its transition process towards a university career. The research was descriptive with a quantitative, cross-sectional approach. The stratified sample was 65 subjects. The data collection technique was the survey and a Likert-type questionnaire was used. The results reveal that metacognitive skills are fundamental for the academic performance of students new to the university, they represent a tool for self-management of their knowledge.

Author Biography

Yadyra Y. Márquez S, Universidad Politécnica territorial de Mérida “Kléber Ramírez”. Mérida, Venezuela

Systems Engineer - Universidad de los Andes. Specialist in Educational Management - Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Master's Degree in University Teaching - Universidad Fermín Toro. Professor at the Universidad Politécnica Territorial del estado Mérida "Kléber Ramírez" in the career of Radiology and Imaging. Associate Professor. She belongs to the research line "Cognitive and metacognitive processes; theoretical-methodological proposals for its approach in education", attached to the Research Nucleus of Mérida (NIEME), of the University, Pedagogical Experimental Libertador-Institute of Professional Improvement of the Teaching Profession, Academic Extension Mérida.


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How to Cite

Yadyra Y. Márquez S. (2024). Metacognitive skills: self-management of learning in the transition process towards a university career. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (48), 105–120.


