Use of information and communication technologies in the management of educational institutions




Manager, TIC, Community, Communication


In the current context, ICT play a central role in redefining various aspects of society, including educational management. This research explores the strategic integration of ICT in educational institutions and aims to describe the communication mechanism supported by ICT, which provides information about institutional processes to the educational community of the Educational Institution Carlos Restrepo Araujo in Bosconia, Cesar - Colombia. Through the use of digital communication tools, we seek to enrich the dissemination of institutional processes. The non-experimental field investigation approached a sample of 74 individuals from the educational community, identifying aspects at the administrative, community and technological level that encouraged the communicative use of ICT tools in homes, transcending their entertainment function. It concluded on the need to expand communication channels supported by ICT to achieve greater interaction with the educational community. 

Author Biography

Muñoz-Martínez, J. E, Institución Educativa Carlos Restrepo Araujo. Bosconia-Colombia

Degree in Mathematics and Physics from the Universidad Popular del Cesar (Colombia). MSc in Education, mention in Educational Management from the Universidad Privada Rafael Belloso Chacín (Venezuela). With 23 years of work experience as a classroom teacher. Former Coordinator of a public educational institution and currently Rector of a public educational institution. Speaker at the II International Congress on Pedagogical Practice, Research and Inclusive Education (Colombia - 2022).


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How to Cite

Muñoz-Martínez, J. E. (2023). Use of information and communication technologies in the management of educational institutions. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (47), 65–82.


