The pedagogical anecdote: a heuristic tool from Max Van Manen perspective




Phenomenology of educational practice, Max Van Manen, Modality of phenomenological method


A qualitative research framed in the interpretative paradigm is presented whose purpose was to show in the husserlian sense the procedure to implement the hermeneutic phenomenological method of Max Vanen’s educational practice which deals with a phenomenological research modality focused in education. The anecdote technique was used provide by a secondary Social Science teacher which following the vanmanian approach served as starting point to apply the method. It was found that the conflictive pedagogical situation is summmarised in one sentence: I apologize to them and the topics tan supported it were: Listening and pedagogical negotation. Added two casual topics: Rubric usage and third party opinion. The provisional conclusions are grouped into: a)scope and limitations of the method b) the articulation of the process and c)the projection of the penomenological text on the reader.

Author Biographies

Sara Lara, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Venezuela

Professor (retired) of the Department of Geography and History UPEL-IPC. Diploma in Remote Sensing Panama City. Panama. Master in Geography at the University of Liverpool, England. PhD in Education at the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Member of the Research Line Socio-educational Laboratory UPEL-IPC. Member of the Academic Committee of the UPEL-IPC Research Journal.

Luís Colina, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas. Venezuela

Degree in Social Communication Universidad Monte Avila, mention in Print. Master's Degree UPEL-IPC. History Teaching. Diploma in University Teaching and Research Methodology (UPEL-IPC). Teacher of General Secondary Education in Social Sciences since 2018.


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How to Cite

Sara Lara, & Luís Colina. (2023). The pedagogical anecdote: a heuristic tool from Max Van Manen perspective. GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, (47), 43–64.


