Training in online processes, secondary education, ICTAbstract
In current times of a pandemic, remote teaching is activated through the use of various tools provided by Web 2.0. However, many of the users (mainly teachers) do not have the Technological Competence in their use as they should. Despite this, it is not ruled out that they are not capable of learning this competence (Ballesteros, 2002; Fuente-Cobo, 2017; Rampey, B. D .; Finnegan, R .; Goodman, M. and others, 2016). The purpose of this research is to explore the theoretical-methodological network in teaching through online processes from the epistemes of teachers of Middle Education in the high schools of Tinaquillo, Edo Cojedes. For this, three teachers (social agents), based on the phenomenological-interpretive paradigm, express their expertise. It is concluded that in the training of teachers in online processes for teaching that allow teacher-student-family interaction and collaboration, it can provide the architecture of new conceptual learning schemes.
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