Communication: Space for the construction of meaning in human expressive practice and in virtual forms of interaction




Communication, sign, meaning, web community


Communicating is an activity that human beings do naturally daily; However, there are few opportunities in which we stop to think about communication as a space for constructing what we are and what we mean over time. Currently, the spaces for communicative interaction have expanded into the territory of virtuality. For this reason, it is interesting to reflect on the various elements that intervene in communicative practice, among them the following stand out: the sign (Saint Augustine, Saussure), linguistic or not; meaning (Berruto, Schaff) and linguistic and virtual communities (Yus). Communication processes, from Watzlawick's approach, are presented as spaces in which meaning is constructed through resources that go beyond the linguistic. The latter responds to the infinite richness of meaning as a consequence of the activity of man's thought.

Author Biography

Yanna Gabriela León Figuera, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador. UPEL-IPMAR. Maracay-Aragua. Venezuela

Profesora Asistente dedicación exclusiva en el área de Lingüística del Departamento de Castellano y Literatura, Instituto Pedagógico Rafael Alberto Escobar Lara, Maracay – Aragua. Profesora del Componente de Lenguaje y Comunicación del Seminario María Madre de la Iglesia - Convenio con la Universidad de Santa Rosa, Maracay. Docente responsable y creadora del Proyecto de Extensión Expresión artística y Comunicativa, UPEL-Maracay. Magíster en Lingüística, UPEL-Maracay (2019). Profesora especialista en Lengua y Literatura, UPEL - Maracay (2013).


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How to Cite

León Figuera, Y. G. . (2025). Communication: Space for the construction of meaning in human expressive practice and in virtual forms of interaction. DIALOGICA, 22(1), 04–18.