



Hegemony, investigation, tutorial relationship


Within the framework of the system of power relations that is created in the tutor-tutee binomial, this article aims to interpret the process called hegemony of research expressed from the tutorial relationship. The study, of a documentary type, manages to raise the circumstances in which the investigative event takes place; which is mediated, determined and defined by a set of social, political, cultural, economic factors, among others; that combine a current academic ecosystem in research; where meanings, discourses, perceptions and persuasions are communicated and implemented through the institutional scaffolding. In the constitution of hegemony two dimensions can be distinguished, one intellectual and the other moral. It is concluded that the hegemony of research communicated in doctoral theses has been disrupting the foundations of research practices and the academic institutions themselves.

Author Biography

Yomar Alexander Bracho Díaz, Universidad de Carabobo

Doctorado en Cultura Latinoamericana y Caribeña (UPEL). Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Mención Estudios del Trabajo (UC). Abogado (UC). Magister Educación - Gerencia Educacional (UPEL). Profesor Especialista Ciencias Sociales (Cum Laude - UPEL).


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How to Cite

Bracho Díaz, Y. A. . (2024). HEGEMONY OF RESEARCH EXPRESSED IN THE TUTORIAL RELATIONSHIP. DIALOGICA, 21(4), 238–252. https://doi.org/10.56219/dialgica.v21i4.3320