Transinvestigation, transversality, interdisciplinarity, intellectual productionAbstract
Transresearch emerges as a field in Educational Sciences, redefining the parameters of traditional intellectual productions and tutorial accompaniment. This innovative approach, based on transversality, integrates diverse perspectives, disciplines and methodologies in the same research project, offering a novel framework to address current complex educational challenges. It is characterized by interdisciplinarity, promoting research collaborations, teamwork, and innovation; generating new ideas and approaches by combining different perspectives, which enriches the investigative process. In this essay we intend to reflect on the role of Transinvestigation in the framework of tutorial training. As a result of the hermeneusis of the documentary investigation carried out, the proposal of a model that allows the optimization of resources and aligning objectives of different areas through the creation of new bridges of knowledge, breaking investigative stereotypes, stands out; creating methods and new epistemic positions.
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