Psychosocial risk factors in the workplace of teachers: A systematic review
Occupational risk, psychosocial factors, teacher's work, PRISMAAbstract
The study was based on highlighting the work of the teacher over time as an influential leader, who has the privilege of educating, thus preparing a model for the future. The objective of this research was to investigate the procedure of the research that in the last three years has been oriented to the psychosocial risk in teachers in general. Methodologically, a documentary review was carried out through the structuring of a flow chart, which allowed the information to be organized according to corresponding indicators. In the bibliometric analysis, the main research topics developed and produced in Spanish-speaking countries were described, between the years 2020 to 2023, described in Redalyc, Google Scholar and RefSeek. To conclude, the teaching profession has faced significant challenges and transformations, adapting to its changing roles and duties as described in each study reviewed.
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