



Thesis direction, research, health, tutoring


Tutorial action refers to the academic as well as investigative support that a teacher exercises on a subject in training. This approach acquires greater relevance in the health field since its objective is the biological, psychological and social well-being of the population. The purpose of the paper is to reflect on the implications of tutorial action in the field of health. To this end, a series of questions were raised that address the topic described and were answered with theoretical documentary support and the experiences of three postgraduate participants in the medical area. It is concluded that, the tutor in the health sciences, in addition to having knowledge related to his specialty, must be an active researcher, endowed with principles and values ​​who is capable of effectively directing his students in the development of research work and its professional training.

Author Biography

Zahira Felicidad Silano Higuera, Universidad de las Ciencias de la Salud

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. Médico especialista en Pediatría y Puericultura.


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How to Cite

Silano Higuera, Z. F. . (2024). TUTORIAL ACTION IN HEALTH SCIENCES. DIALOGICA, 21(4), 253–267. https://doi.org/10.56219/dialgica.v21i4.3321