Investigative skills, tutorial training, digital skills, comparative methodologyAbstract
Tutorial training in Latin America is carried out in various ways. The purpose of this research is to generate a theoretical approach to tutorial training from the development of investigative skills and comparative methodology in Latin America. This research has Lakatos (1983) and Chevallard (1998) as essential theoretical references. The research was developed from the heuristic method with the application of semi-structured interviews and the survey from the measurement of investigative competencies in the tutor-student-seminar teacher generating triads. The process of deconstruction, construction, de-comprehension, understanding, relationship and contrast of the information is based on the benefits of the technologies in its SPSS and Atlas Ti software, in such a way that the systematization and the networks that are interwoven allowed us to draw the tutorial training in Latin America from the development of investigative skills as a synapse between foreign knowledge and generated knowledge.
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