


Researcher-tutor, being moral, ethics


Starting from a strategic demarcation between the ethical and the moral, the moral being of the researcher-tutor is discussed. Being moral, in the investigative substratum, is colored by the nature of the human being, expressed through <<values ​​and norms of coexistence>>. The human condition of the researcher-tutor is explored in depth in his coexistence with: The thesis researcher, significant subjects, the socio-cultural environment, cyberspace and the authors of other people's texts. Based on someone else's thought, from the Phind search engine, they were compared with the criteria of the researchers involved. Some conclusions: The moral being, in general, establishes connections with human nature and its manifestations; Culture as a mark of man in society, marks interpretations that generate expressions, sometimes contradictory, of the human moral being; The profuse links between the ethical and the moral imply building bridges through the theoretical/conceptual (the ethical) and the practice related to the moral.

Author Biographies

José Domingo Mora Márquez, Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua

Postdoctor en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua, 2012. Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua, 2007. Magíster en Andragogía, Universidad Rafael Urdaneta, 1987. Licenciado en Educación, Universidad de Carabobo, 1977. Ex-Vicerrector Académico y Administrativo de la Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua. Director de Gestión académica del Instituto de altos estudios "Dr. Oscar Cambra Nuñez", Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua.

Víctor Manuel Hermoso , Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador

Postdoctor en Ciencias Sociales. Doctor en Educación y en Ciencias Sociales. Investigador, escritor, poeta, tutor y conferencista.


Fromm, E. (2021). El corazón del hombre: su potencia para el bien y para el mal. Fondo de cultura Económica.

Heidegger, M. (1995). El Ser y el tiempo. Fondo de cultura Económica.

Hermoso, V, (2024). Thesauro de investigación. Universidad Pedagógica Experimental: Material en proceso de publicación.

Mora, J. (2001). Análisis del hombre como ser moral. Universidad Bicentenaria de Aragua: Material no publicado.



How to Cite

Mora Márquez, J. D. ., & Hermoso , V. M. . (2024). THE RESEARCHER-TUTOR AS A MORAL BEING. DIALOGICA, 21(4), 84–95.