



Discourse, construction, image, identity, speech acts


Human beings have a communicative nature and this characteristic predisposes them to establish interpersonal relationships. In this sense, discourse fulfills a primary function for the construction of the representative image of people's identity in social interaction. Consequently, this work aimed to explain from a linguistic, pragmatic and documentary vision how discourse, through speech acts, enables the communication practice with which people reproduce their image-reality. The study is mainly based on the theoretical contributions on the image of Goffman (2001), ideology and identity of Van Dijk (1998), the theory of speech acts of Austin and Searle (1962-1979-2001). Finally, this theoretical reflection allowed us to conclude that speech acts account for verbal behaviors and, therefore, for the identities that are housed in the discursive forms used by language users to construct their image.

Author Biography

Yanna Gabriela León Figuera, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL-IPMAR)

Profesora Asistente dedicación exclusiva en el área de Lingüística del Departamento de Castellano y Literatura, Instituto Pedagógico Rafael Alberto Escobar Lara, Maracay – Aragua. Profesora del Componente de Lenguaje y Comunicación del Seminario María Madre de la Iglesia - Convenio con la Universidad de Santa Rosa, Maracay. Docente responsable y creadora del Proyecto de Extensión Expresión artística y Comunicativa, UPEL-Maracay. Estudiante del Doctorado en Educación, UPEL- Maracay (en curso -2024).  Magíster en Lingüística, UPEL-Maracay (2019). Profesora especialista en Lengua y Literatura, UPEL - Maracay (2013).


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How to Cite

León Figuera, Y. G. . (2024). DISCOURSE AS A BASIS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF IDENTITY: A PRAGMATIC APPROACH. DIALOGICA, 21(2), 35–53. https://doi.org/10.56219/dialgica.v21i2.3300