Resilience, academic performance, students, primary educationAbstract
The present study was carried out with the purpose of Analyzing the resilience in the academic performance of the students in the Bolivarian School Media Jornada Venezuela Parroquia Concepción Municipality Iribarren Barquisimeto State Lara. Regarding the methodology, it is part of a descriptive field research, under a non-experimental design. In relation to the population, it was made up of forty (40) students, to whom a questionnaire structured in thirty-two (32) items was applied, with several response alternatives, (Always, Almost always, Sometimes, few times and Never) whose validity was determined through expert judgment, giving a reliability of 0.86 using Cronbach's Alpha scale. This study concludes that a majority of students rarely and never present resilient characteristics and behaviors, thus weakening school performance; for this reason, it was recommended to promote the development of strengths in students, to face adversity.
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