Quality Physical Education and Global Concern – Ways Ahead and Future Development


  • Walter King Yan Ho University of Macau
  • Md. Dilsad Ahmed University of Macau
  • Beatriz Wong University of Macau
  • Fan Huang University of Macau
  • Rosa de D’Amico Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador
  • Maria Dinold University of Vienna
  • Antala Branislav Comenius University in Bratislava

Palabras clave:

Quality Physical Education, School Sport Development, Reforms Works in Physical Education


The works for quality development of physical education turned to be a worldwide
concern when UNESCO proposed the International Charter for Physical Education and
Sport in 1978. The movement for quality physical education was then established with
main focus on different perspectives that covered issues from human right to the
curriculum development, teaching, sport coaching, professional training, research and
international collaboration and related policy making. The coming of documents such as
NASPER’s benchmark in physical education in 2004, UNESCO Report on Quality of
Physical Education and Sport (2005), Strategies to Improve the Quality of Physical
Education by CDC in 2010 and the recent Quality Physical Education – Guidelines for
Policy Makers by UNESCO (2015) were the initiatives to provide rich resources in
forming the basic framework for quality development of physical education. Nevertheless,
the report on physical education by Ken Hardman in 2008 indicated the worry as “mixed
messages” was presented due to strong evidence of national commitment on physical
education but slow to transform this initiation with full action and concrete
implementation plan. “What goes wrong?” seemed to be the question that needs a
response if the quality development of physical education is regarded as the way to
improve the quality of students’ learning. The four association members of ICSP
(ISCPES, IAPESGW, IFAPA and FIEP) launched a research project on Quality Physical
Education (QPE) in 2011 with aims to understand the concept of QPE. This paper shared
the findings from the QPE research and illustrated about the possible strategies for future
development of QPE in schools. Proper investment and appropriate strategies with
innovative works on steps and phases seemed to be the best option for development of
core elements in QPE. While those elements there were in improvement stage, substantial
Walter King Yan Ho, Md. Dilsad Ahmed, Beatriz Wong, Fan Huang, Rosa de D’Amico....Quality Physical
Education and School Sports Development – A Global Study
Revista Electrónica Actividad Física y Ciencias, Año 2016 Vol. 8 Nº 1 61
work to maintain its provision seemed essential.

Biografía del autor/a

Walter King Yan Ho, University of Macau

  • PhD, University of Sydney
  • MEd, University of Sydney
  • BEd, (Physical Education) Edith Cowan University
  • Advanced Course of Teacher Education (PE), Grantham College of Education
  • Teacher’s Certificate, Northcote College of Education

Md. Dilsad Ahmed, University of Macau

Dr. Dilsad Ahmed attended two of India’s top-ranked universities, where he earned a total of four degrees, including his Ph.D. He began his career as a physical education teacher and sports coordinator. His efforts were twice recognized with teaching awards. With an interest in advancing physical education and sports worldwide, and as a committed life-long learner, he pursued international opportunities in Canada, Macau, South Korea, and the United States, including post-doctoral research experiences. Recently, he has pursued one more advanced degree (M.S in Kinesiology) at Oregon State University, USA.

Beatriz Wong, University of Macau

University of Macau

Fan Huang, University of Macau

University of Macau

Rosa de D’Amico, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador

Profesora en Lengua Extranjera: Mención Inglés  y Prof. en Educación Física: Mención Deporte. Magíster en Enseñanza de la Literatura en Inglés. Ph D - Tesis en Organización y Reglamentación Deportiva – Universidad de Sydney (Australia). Trabajo postdoctoral en la Universidad de Sydney (Ewing Postdoctoral Fellowship). Coordinadora del Centro de Investigación Estudios en Educación Física, Salud, Deporte, Recreación y Danza (EDUFISADRED) y de la línea de investigación Lenguaje Literatura y Cultura. Miembro del Programa Nacional de Investigación Nivel III; Premio a la Productividad Académica en Investigación Universitaria 2007 otorgado por el Consejo de Desarrollo Científico, Humanístico y Tecnológico (CDCHT) de las Universidades Venezolanas, y Premio Fundacite Aragua 2008. Es miembro de la directiva de diversas organizaciones académicas a nivel internacional: Internacional Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport (ISCPES - Vicepresidenta), International Association for Physical Education and Recreation for Girls and Women (IAPESGW - Vicepresidenta), Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioculturales del Deporte (ALESDE – Secretaria) y Asociación Latinoamericana de Gerencia Deportiva (ALGEDE – Presidenta), Comité Editorial y Coordinadora del Comité Internacional de Pedagogía del Deporte (ICSP – Internacional Council for Sport Science and Physical Education). Posee más de 45 publicaciones en revistas arbitradas, 9 libros, 13 capítulos en libros y múltiples trabajos en actas científicas. Ha recibido premios nacionales e internacionales, entre otros: Premio a la Productividad Académica en Investigación Universitaria 2007 otorgado por el Núcleo de Desarrollo Científico, Humanístico y Tecnológico de las Universidades Venezolanas (CDCHT). Premio a la Labor Investigativa UPEL 2008 y el Premio Honor al Mérito Científico Fundacite Aragua 2008. Ex Presidenta del Instituto Regional de Deporte del estado Aragua. Actualmente Profesora Titular en la UPEL.


Maria Dinold, University of Vienna

University of Vienna, Austria
 Doctor of Philosophy (Dr.phil)
 Dissertation: “Dance and creative movement as a media for lifelong development for
people with and without disabilities - A contribution to integration-research in
movement- and sports-pedagogy – Promotion of personal development between
pedagogy and therapy.” (Klaus Fischer, Univ. zu KÉln, chair)

Antala Branislav, Comenius University in Bratislava




Cómo citar

King Yan Ho, . W., Ahmed, M. D., Wong, B. ., Huang, F. ., de D’Amico, R., Dinold, M. ., & Antala Branislav. (2022). Quality Physical Education and Global Concern – Ways Ahead and Future Development. ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA Y CIENCIAS / PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SCIENCE, 8(1), 146–215. Recuperado a partir de https://mail.revistas.upel.edu.ve/index.php/actividadfisicayciencias/article/view/1199